Four Amazing Years

April 30, 2018
Four Amazing Years


April 30, 2018


A couple of weeks ago, we marked our four year anniversary at Catacombs. There was no fanfare or celebration...just a day full of athletes working their way through the WOD and step by step improving their lives. The celebration part is coming; we will do that as part of the Memorial Day Murph festivities, but four years is a really long time and warrants a little reflection. Much has changed in the last four years: we are bigger, shinier, and reach a much bigger audience than in those early days. I no longer coach every class or clean the gym on evenings and weekends. I am proud of our successes and unashamed of our setbacks and failures. We have learned from them and they have challenged us to grow and become better.

Yes, we have changed, but we have also stayed the same in many ways. Some of the crew from Day 1 are still athletes at Catacombs. Our mission of changing lives through fitness and community is exactly the same today as it was in 2014. Our commitment to investing in the lives of our athletes and caring about each and every one of you remains rock solid. Our belief that the practice of physical exercise and exertion improves not just health but the whole of our lives still rings true. I still wake up at 4:15 most mornings with you, the community of Catacombs on my mind. I still remember the butterflies in my stomach that first morning of the very first Foundations and I still get those butterflies sometimes when I stand in front of a class. Lastly, I am still amazed and filled with gratitude at the awesomeness of the people that make up Catacombs and that my job entails coaching you to be the best versions of yourselves.

Thank you to all of the athletes and community members that have helped us along this journey. We appreciate your high fives when we get it right and your grace when we miss the mark. We wouldn't be here without you. Thank you for helping us become the best version of ourselves too.

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