After the Finish Line

July 6, 2021
After the Finish Line

[email protected]


July 6, 2021


It has been so exciting to welcome new members to the Catacombs Tribe and welcome back those whom we have missed for months. The energy around Catacombs the last few weeks has been the best that I can remember. I am beyond grateful for this tribe, the coaching staff, and the broader community. Over the next few weeks, I'd like to use the blog to highlight (and remind us all) of a few of the traditions at Catacombs that set us apart and make our community work.

This week, I would like to talk about what we do once we complete our workout. Over the last 18 months, we have been hyper vigilant about cleaning anything and everything we touched during the workout. While that is still a priority, I want to bring your attention to what happens just before the cleaning frenzy.

Part of what makes Catacombs such a welcoming atmosphere is that we are all in it together. Those who finish first are encouraged to grab a drink of water then find someone who is still working and give them some encouragement. You don't have to be a cheerleader, but let them know that you see them--and help pull them across the finish line. If you have never been the last one finished, your time will likely come. And when it happens, it always helps to have a word of encouragement or support rather than to look around and realize that everyone else has packed up and gone home.

Occasionally, we will be running long and the coach may direct you to go ahead and break down bars and clean up while others are finishing. As a rule though, we make it a priority to finish and clean up to get you out the door on time.

So, go hard in the workout and finish as fast as you can. And when you are done, leave your equipment where it is. Grab a foam roller, stretch or just lay there and let the endorphins wash over you. When you are ready, pull a buddy along. Our community will be stronger for it.

PS. High Fives are also back in style!

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