Hey Catacombs Family—
We are making a last push to get folks signed up for the 2nd Annual Rowing Regatta. As you all know, Snowdown is full of events that are wacky and crazy. Most events are the OPPOSITE of health and fitness focused. While we certainly aren’t knocking donut eating contests or drinking games (okay, maybe we are), we wanted to provide an alternative event with all the fun but not the debauchery. Enter, the Snowdown Rowing Regatta!
What the heck, Coach? What is this thing anyway?
The Rowing Regatta is a tournament stye event where teams compete for Catacombs Glory. The events are top secret, but I promise you that ANYONE can participate. In fact, most of you have done more rowing in a single workout this week then you will do in the ENTIRE ROWING REGATTA. Work can be spread across your entire team and cheering and heckling is encouraged. Toughen up buttercups, this will be fun!
Each team will have at least 2 opportunities to show their stuff against the rest of the field. We will keep things organized and on the rails so that we don’t interfere with your other Snowdown plans (or your 8:30 bedtime).
What’s the point?
The point is to build community within Catacombs and also to support the community outside of Catacombs. ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE ROWING REGATTA WILL GO TO SASO (Sexual Assault Services Organization) just like last year. This is a really fun way to come together and an opportunity to give back. We are asking for a minimum donation of $10 per person.
Community is what makes Catacombs such a special place and events like this are where community is built. Bust out of your comfort zone and meet some new friends. Let go of your fear and come out and play!
How do I sign up?
Put your name on the list at the front desk or email [email protected]. We will put teams together from the free agents on the sheet. If you have some folks that you want to be on your team, you can mark that on the sign up sheet. Otherwise, we will help you make some new friends within the gym. We also welcome all non-Catacombs athletes to participate.
Please register by end of day Tuesday, January 28th. This gives us time to get the teams sorted out and brackets organized. The Regatta kicks off on Thursday, January 30th at 5:30 PM.