You Go, We Go

February 25, 2018
You Go, We Go


February 25, 2018


Hey Catacombs Crew--

What an awesome first night of the Catacombs Games. It was fantastic to see so many of you pushing through the workout or just coming to hang out and be around some of the finest people in Durango. I love these events because it is an "in your face" reminder of the power of community. So many of you accomplished things you never imagined possible when starting at Catacombs and I'd say we all surprised ourselves a little bit with how deep we were willing to dig. In that same vein, here is a little more inspiration from Coach Suz for your Sunday morning. 

For those of you old enough to remember back to 1991, you may remember the movie Backdraft. It was an awesome movie about firefighters and there was a line in it that I have never forgotten. There mantra was: YOU GO, WE GO.

It brought chills up my spine then and still does when I think about the point of it. The context of the message was that if you go into the fire, we are all going into the fire. We go together as a team, as a unit. This happens frequently in the military or law enforcement situations and on really special sports teams, but it also happens routinely in CrossFit.

I have seen the last person in the class finishing their run dad last and the rest of the class, regardless of how long they had been finished, head back out with them. I have seen people struggle in their dark place and their teammates surround them with cheers and the support of a shared experience. I have seen people near tears in a workout, not because of the workout, but because of the unnamed struggle in their real lives; and then I see their fellow athletes holding out a hand to help.

Now we might not all like that attention. We might even find it embarrassing. No one WANTS to finish last or crack in front of the class. But we all take our turn in the pain cave both in workouts and in life. Just remember that we never know what the person next to us is going through. Maybe they just need that hand, or someone to go with them on that run, or to know that they have a group behind them in support. Give it a thought before you break down your barbell, put your equipment away or pack it up for the day. Look around for someone that might need you for just 5 more minutes and go with them. Give some high fives, fist bumps, or hugs because
you struggled together. Finish those last few reps with them and be the community that makes Catacombs so special.

As we go through the Catacombs Games, the CrossFit Open, and the daily grind, look for opportunities to show up for someone else and be reminded: 

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