Recovery WOD and CrossFit Open Prep

January 13, 2018
Recovery WOD and CrossFit Open Prep


January 13, 2018

Nice catch position Pete!
Nice catch position Pete!

Two great things to tell you about this weekend along with a reminder to get signed up for the Whole Life Challenge. First, we want to tell you about our new offering, Recovery WOD. Then, keep reading because the CrossFit Open (and Catacombs Games!) are just around the corner. Tony has wasted no time in putting together some supplemental training to get you ready.  

Recovery WOD:
Recovery WOD is a free class open to all members of the Durango community looking to improve their lives through fitness and reflection. We do this everyday at Catacombs, but Recovery WOD combines the principles of 12 step programs with the camaraderie and community of Catacombs and the fitness principles of CrossFit. The goal is to improve mind, body and spirit while possibly helping someone else along the way.

The class is from 2-3:30 every Sunday and starts with 30 min of discussion and reflection geared toward building character. We then take those thoughts with us into a 60 min CrossFit style workout. Workouts are coached and scalable for beginners like all of our regular classes. No experience or requisite level of athletic skill is required. There is no membership or fee required to attend. You do not need to be “in recovery” to attend. It is open to the everyone. We invite you to find someone in your world that is struggling who might benefit from this, put your arm around them, and bring them along.

While the discussion points are rooted in the principles of the 12 steps, the class is open to all. It is not just for those “in recovery”. If you have specific questions about the RWOD please feel free to reach out to Greg or Robert

Open Prep Course:
Coach Tony has hit the ground running and has put together a specialty program to help get Catacombs athletes ready for the CrossFit Open. While most of us don't even dream of qualifying for Regionals, many of us would like to see just how well we could do. Or, perhaps there is a specific skill that you'd like some extra coaching around. Maybe you just like to push yourself and want to train with similarly minded athletes. Or, maybe you just want to see what this Tony character is really all about.

The Open Prep Course is a 10 week program; 5 weeks of preparation and and 5 weeks of coaching, strategy, recovery, and skill work during each week of the 2018 CrossFit Open. Here is what you get:
-Pre-Open assessment
-Catacombs Open Athlete T-shirt
-Supplemental workouts 3 times a week for first 5 weeks; these can be done after class as space allows or during our newly added Open Gym times.
-Saturday team sessions - Open workout run through, skill session and strategy
-Guidance and coaching for 2018 Open workouts
-Video analysis on barbell lifts and gymnastic skills leading up to and throughout the Open
-Post Open Beer & BBQ

The Pre-Open assessment kicks off Saturday, January 20th and is limited to 20 athletes so don't hesitate on this one. Cost for this program is $100 and you can sign up here. If you have questions, email Tony or catch him at the gym.

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