Whole Life Challenge

September 9, 2017
Whole Life Challenge



September 9, 2017


Hey Guys--

The Whole Life Challenge is upon us in just one short week. I have talked with many of you about this and I know the coaching staff has been actively talking with you about this as well. If you are ready to feel better, look better, and perform better, this is the answer. It is an 8-week challenge that focuses on exercise, nutrition, sleep, hydration, mobility, stress management and various other lifestyle factors. It is a fantastic way to hit the reset button and get focused on taking better care of yourself. It WILL change the way you look at all of those factors and bring you closer to the crew of athletes that participate. It is NOT easy and you there will be days that you hate it and want it to be over. While it is only 8 weeks, I have never finished one of these challenges without taking something that I learned from it and carrying it forward. Everyone stands to benefit from this.

For me, the benefit of the WLC is awareness of how I am going through my days. It forces me to take an objective and honest look rather than assuming that I'm cruising along okay. And I am always surprised at how reality stacks up with what I perceived. Because there is no requirement to be perfect (and I have never finished one with a perfect score), I can honestly score how I am doing each day and still have some breathing room for special occasions. I finish these challenges feeling amazing and on top of my game...and ready for a few indulgences. I encourage each and every one of you consider participating. It doesn't matter if this is your first week in the gym or if you've done 19 of these challenges. You will be better for it.

We will be doing the intake workout on Friday as the Workout of the Day and will be available to test body composition on Friday as well. If you can't make Friday, Open Gym on Saturday is a great option too. If you need to schedule a different time to do it, please let me know and we will do our best to accommodate you. I don't want that to be a reason for anyone not to participate. We have a hand held body composition test instrument that we will be using for before and after parameters as well. It only takes a couple of minutes so we will try to get those done following your intake workout. 

Read all about it at the Whole Life Challenge website and sign up there. Don't forget to select CrossFIt Catacombs as your team or we won't know that you are in and can't support you. If you need more of a nudge, come see me or one of the coaching staff. We are here to help. I promise you won't be sorry for making this commitment. 

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