Trail Work this Week

April 17, 2017
Trail Work this Week


April 17, 2017

Please remember that this Wednesday is Trail Work night. Come join us to help do our part for Durango's amazing trails. Many of us are CrossFitters second and outdoor enthusiasts first. Let's put our fitness to work toward supporting the outdoors and Trails 2000. If you've lived in Durango for more than about a week or taken advantage of any of the amazing trails around here, you have benefitted from the work of Trails 2000. Now it's our turn to lend a helping hand. 

Project Sky Steps will connect the town of Durango to the Fort Lewis College campus by extending the Nature Trail steps. Once complete, the connect will include over 500 steps and gain over 250 feet in elevation. They need some strong, community-minded manpower to make this happen. I assured them that they had come to the right place.

We have committed to bring crews to trail work nights on April 19 and May 3. Each session will run from 4 PM till 6:30 PM. We will have a signup sheet at the front desk and we are hoping to get a crew of 20 for each night. These will be fun nights with your fellow athletes putting your fitness to work while giving back to the community. The first one is this Wednesday.

No experience is required for trail work and volunteers are asked to meet at the 8th Avenue switchback of the Nature Trail. Crew members should wear closed toe shoes or boots, long pants, shirt, sun hat, sunscreen, and bring a water bottle and rain jacket (optional). Trails 2000 will provide all tools, instruction, water and snacks. See you there!

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