About Angie

September 22, 2016
About Angie



September 22, 2016

The pic does not accurately detail the true chest to bar pull ups that Mia threw down during this workout. Her accomplishments are a testament to consistency and hard work. 
The pic does not accurately detail the true chest to bar pull ups that Mia threw down during this workout. Her accomplishments are a testament to consistency and hard work. 

Friday's workout is a classic benchmark workout. It is one of the named workouts meaning that it is a great one to record as you will likely see it again someday. It also is one of those workouts that can cause folks to cancel their workout out of sheer intimidation. DON'T BE THAT PERSON. As always, we will have great scaled options. 

If you are attempting today's workout as prescribed, you will not be able to break up your movements into rounds. You will have to do all 100 pull ups before proceeding to push ups, etc. However, if you aren't concerned about the RX by your name, we can make this work for you any number of ways. If you are new to CrossFit, we have options for you too. Injuries that keep you from doing one of these movements? Don't worry. We've got you covered as well.

We will be celebrating Friday Night Lights style starting at 5 PM. Feel free to hit the workout during the day and join us in the evening for the potluck if that works better for you. We will kick off the first workout heat around 5:15. The second heat will not necessarily wait for the first heat to finish before getting started. There will be plenty of space for all and no excuse to not jump in. FNL will wrap up around 8 or 8:30. 

Don't forget that we are going potluck style this time around. Bring some food and/or beverages to share. Also, if you are so inclined, please participate in our diaper drive for the Posey family to welcome Clara June. We will wrap this up after Friday, so please bring in a package or box of diapers to keep Jacob and Jenny well-supplied.

Last but not least...there IS Saturday class and Open Gym this weekend. Sign up as always and don't miss the chance for a little more relaxed workout time.

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