Friday Night Lights

September 19, 2016
Friday Night Lights


September 19, 2016

After a break than lasted way too long, Friday Night Lights is back! What is it, you ask? Just a time for the whole Catacombs family to get together and workout, meet new friends or catch up with those you haven't seen in awhile, and enjoy some good potluck style grub.

The first heat will kick off around 5:15 PM so please arrive by 5 PM if you want in that heat. After that, we will kick off heats about every 15 minutes. Please bring a potluck style dish to share and/or beverages. If you workout earlier in the day, you are still welcome to come cheer on your buddies and participate in the eating and drinking component.

Also, please help us set up the Posey family (Jacob, aka Clark Kent, and Jenny) with diapers for their new addition Clara June. We are collecting diapers all week or you can bring them in on Friday. See you there!

Also, it is not too late to sign up for the Whole Life Challenge. We started on Saturday but you can still join through the end of this week. Talk to me if you are at all on the fence. 

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