Congrats Boy Wonder!

September 15, 2016
Congrats Boy Wonder!


September 15, 2016

The Catacombs family is excited to announce more exciting news today. Dustin popped "the question" to best friend and girlfriend Katharine and low and behold, she said YES! Dustin and Katharine are excited to share their engagement with the Catacombs family and we couldn't be happier for them. Congratulations you crazy kids.

Don't forget...the Whole Life Challenge starts Saturday and the intake workout is Friday. It will be the workout of the day all day long. That way, if you get the last minute urge to sign up, you will already have done the intake workout. We will repeat the workout in November to see what 8 weeks of clean living will do for your performance.

Also, Sunday we are holding a free Introductory Class for anyone interested in test-driving CrossFit at Catacombs. The class starts at 11 AM and all are welcome. 

Also again, Friday Night Lights in next Friday (9/23). Workout heats will start at 5 PM with potluck to follow.

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