Summer is far from over but the kids are heading back to school. It is always a bittersweet time for me. I love the relaxed flow of summer with warm evenings, long days, and less rigid bedtimes. Things are a little less hectic and everyone is a little more relaxed with homework deadlines and after-school activities a distant memory. And I just love hot, sunny days. Yes, I'll give you an earful on a cold January morning, but you won't hear so much as a whimper of a complaint when the temperature hits the mid-90s. So you will understand why this time of year is sometimes mentally challenging for me. It is just hard to let go of summer. But fall brings new opportunities and a fresh start of sorts. You see, as much as I love the lazy days of summer, I am also a creature of habit. Routine is my friend so I readily grasp on to the start of school as an opportunity to dial in a structure that works for my life...meal plans, workout routines, schedules, etc. Come Monday, summer nostalgia switches to "bring it on" mode.
The Catacombs schedule is also undergoing some modifications with coaches in different time slots and a couple of additional class times. Coach Lane returns to us from studying abroad in Australia (and getting some good coaching experience at CrossFit Darwin). We are adding a Friday 6 PM class and a much-asked-for Saturday morning class. We are also working on a couple of specialty class options for the fall, the return of Friday Night Lights, and of course a return to our focus on nutrition in the form of another round of the Whole Life Challenge. It is going to be an exciting fall and we look forward to welcoming back those of you that spent your summer getting your exercise outside. Next week will be a bit of a transition week before we settle into the regular schedule.
Thank you for your patience this week as I am off enjoying the last days of summer vacation with my family in the mountains. It is truly a special time when we can all just enjoy being together with little pressure from the outside world. We will be back at it and ready to hit it hard on Monday.