As most of you have already figured out, I am on vacation with my family this week. While I may not be in the gym coaching you, you are never far from my thoughts. So, I thought I would share some of my vacation thoughts with you all along the way.
We don't watch a lot of TV at our fact, none. As we were traveling this weekend, we were drawn in by TVs with coverage of the Olympic Trials and motivational commercials around the Olympics. And they were awesome. The Olympics never fail to inspire me. As a very young child, I was always glued to the TV during the Olympics. I am a sucker for the athlete stories and vignettes and get choked up just imagining the sacrifices that they have made. My commitment to my training and fitness always get a boost from watching these amazing athletes compete. In fact, even my morning run this morning had a little more intensity as I thought back on some of the performances I watched over the weekend.
Some may liken this to the New Year's Resolution phenomenon where there is an increased interest in exercise around New Year's. Maybe it is just a fad that will quickly die away once the Olympics have come and gone. But my motivation to train goes up and down like a roller coaster over weeks and months. It is not a steady ramp up toward peak fitness and health. In fact, I get sidetracked by stress, family commitments, frustration with lack of progress, and of course, chips and salsa. I'll take any bump in momentum that I can get on the positive side of that equation.
So the next time you are struggling in a workout or lacking motivation to get to the gym, channel your inner Olympian and fire up your own motivation in the glow of their competitive fire.