Many times when I'm coaching a group of athletes, I find myself watching more than just the path of the barbell, the setup and finish positions, or the angles of movement. Yes, these are the first layer and where a coach's primary focus should be. Deeper than that though, there is always much more going on. Sometimes, I can feel the release of the day's anxiousness and stress. Other times, it is the slow growth of confidence as an athlete proceeds through a task that he doubted. On occasion, I watch respectfully as an athlete processes sadness or grief within the context of their workout. A workout is a much better outlet than most out there. It is an incredible privilege to stand on my side of the barbell day after day, month after month.
This type of immersion can happen in a workout anywhere. I've felt it on a run or a hike a bike ride. I've never felt it on my own at the Rec center, but I'm sure it can happen there too. I think it is more common at Catacombs though. First, there is the intensity. I tell new athletes that "intensity is the secret sauce of CrossFit". The workouts are designed to promote intensity and our coaches do the best we can to facilitate it. Still, it must come from within. More than anything though, you guys just know how to BRING IT. Second, there is the energy of the space and each other. True to its name, Catacombs really is a place of refuge for all. Somehow the baggage of the day or days gets left at the door; and, just for an hour, we get to be free from it...whatever it is.
Whatever it is that is weighing you down this week, leave it behind for just one hour. Remember again the feeling of freedom and empowerment that only a hard workout performed with all that is in you can bring. Exercise is a powerful drug. Come and get it.