Memorial Day is coming in less than 2 weeks. It is a special time in Durango with the Iron Horse festivities, but it is also a special day when we remember those who died in active military service.
In the CrossFit world, we honor those men and women by performing a special workout named after Navy Seal Michael Murphy. "Murph" was killed while on mission in Afghanistan. His story, and that of his unit are legendary. The hero workout "Murph" is a benchmark that challenges CrossFitters of all abilities. The workout, traditionally performed on Memorial Day in honor of all fallen service members, consists of the following:
Run 1 mile
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Air squats
Run 1 mile
As always, we are happy to modify this workout for anyone. But remember, it isn't supposed to be easy. This workout is open to the community and we welcome everyone to come participate in our Memorial Day tradition. We will run two heats of the workout; one at 8:30 and one at 9:00. Warmup will be on your own though we will have coaches to help you with scaled options and movement standards. Potluck style brunch will follow.
For those relatively new to CrossFit, Hero workouts have been part of the culture from the beginning. CrossFit is regularly used by law enforcement and the military for training as the intensity of the workouts is excellent preparation for their line of duty. Regular CrossFit workouts are tough; Hero Workouts are on an entirely different level. Created and named after fallen military and first responders, Hero workouts are CrossFIt's way to pay tribute to those fighting every day to help protect our country. The term "hero" gets thrown around a lot these days. To be clear, athletes are almost never heroes. Teachers, sometimes. Those that put their own lives in harms way to protect others, most definitely.