Monday Night Yoga

April 28, 2016
Monday Night Yoga


April 28, 2016

Nick rides bikes. Nick does CrossFit. Nick teaches Restorative Yoga at Catacombs
Nick rides bikes. Nick does CrossFit. Nick teaches Restorative Yoga at Catacombs

As CrossFitters, we are often addicted to the endorphin rush that follows high intensity workouts. No other form of exercise reaches us in quite the same way. Still, sometimes our body needs a little TLC in the form of active recovery. This gives our muscles the opportunity to recover their elasticity, improves range of motion, and let's our nervous system calm down to a simmer off the high boil where we normally operate. 

This brings me to Monday Night Yoga. Listen people, you need to be doing this. This is not fluffy yoga for yogis; this is restorative yoga for CrossFitters. No where else will you see a more dysfunctional group of Downward Dogs. Nick does mountain bike races. Nick does CrossFit. He knows all about your short hamstrings, tight hips, and immobile shoulders. Come give it a try and tell me that it doesn't make you better at what you love to do and a more well-rounded athlete. Cost is $10. It is worth it.

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