St. Patty's WOD
3 Rounds
17 Toes to Bar
17 KB Swings (53/35)
17 Deadlifts (225/155)
17 Goblet Squats (53/35)
17 Bar Over Burpees
Happy St Patrick's Day to you friends. Today I have another installment of "Meet the Athlete". Periodically we interview members and ask them to tell us more about themselves. Anne is one of the many Jen Hargrove recruits (thanks Jen). When she first called me about getting started at Catacombs, we talked for awhile, then I suggested that she come and try out a class to see if it was a good fit. She stopped me and said that won't be necessary and to please go ahead and set up her membership. I knew right away that Anne and I would get along just fine. Always positive but always real, Anne helps us all believe that we are capable of more than we think we are. She inspires me to be the best version of myself that I can be, and we are fortunate to call her one of our own.
When did you start at Catacombs and why?
I started at Catacombs in October 2015. Jen Hargrove couldn't say enough good things about her gym and I had seen such an amazing change in her strength when we were mountain biking that I was intrigued. I also enjoy her energy when we work out together (and that of all of the other great folks I have met at Catacombs)
What do you do to pay the bills? I provide end-of-life care at Mercy.
How do you like to spend your time when not at work or the gym? Well you can't have a name like Rossignol and say you don't like to ski, so skiing is high on the list. We came to Durango for the fabulous mtn biking, hiking, running, and of course all of the crazy kid activities that keep us busy.
What do you want to see on the whiteboard when you walk in for a workout (favorite movements, time domains, workout style, etc.)? I love a descending ladder! And now that I can do them like kipping HSPU and double unders.
What gives you a sense of dread when you see it on the whiteboard? If I never had to row again I would not be sad.
How do you use your fitness outside of the gym or why do you care about being fit? I notice it in all parts of my life, from Karen's posture reminders while I am driving or walking around at work to helping my husband hoist heavy wood working projects into his truck.
What's your favorite motivational quote, song, or ritual? Maya Angelou, "people won't remember what you say and they won't remember what you do, but they will always remember how you make them feel." I guess that motivates my behavior.
Name one thing you want to achieve in the gym in 2016. Pull-ups w no band
What else do you have to say for yourself? Thanks Tracie and all the great coaches at catacombs. will never know how helpful you have all been to me.