Sunday Reading

March 6, 2016
Sunday Reading


March 6, 2016

Workout of the Day--March 7, 2016

With a partner:
While one person rows (45/35 cals)
The other person accumulates double unders
While one person rows (35/25 cals)
The other person accumulates KB swings (24/16kg)
While one person rows (25/15 cals)
The other person accumulates pull-ups

Score is time and total reps completed between partners.

Partner Workouts are So. Much. Fun.
Partner Workouts are So. Much. Fun.

Sunday Reading

I was doing a little reading this weekend and came across Changing the Wave of Health Care in the Huffington Post. There is plenty of negative press out there around CrossFIt, our training methods, the risk of injury, and of course, the "cult" mentality. Often the naysayers have never been to a CrossFit gym, much less tried our workouts or experienced our incredible sense of community and camaraderie. I will admit to not liking everything that happens in the bigger CrossFit world, but I get a little protective when the outside world attacks and criticizes without understanding what CrossFit really represents. While the image you see in the media is shiny and intense, the commitment to preventing sickness, promoting mental health and overall wellness is every bit as foundational to CrossFit as the CrossFit Games. Enjoy the perspective of this physician and CrossFitter...between watching workouts in the CrossFit Open of course.

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