More Low Carb Research Plus Nutrition Challenge Input Please!

April 1, 2016
More Low Carb Research Plus Nutrition Challenge Input Please!


April 1, 2016

Workout of the Day--April 1, 2016

Have you met Diane? Be prepared to be inspired.
Have you met Diane? Be prepared to be inspired.

Max Effort 1km Row
Rest 3min
Max Set Front Squat @ (115/75lbs)
Rest 3min
Max Effort 500m Row
Rest 2min
Max Set Front Squat @ (115/75lbs)
Rest 2min
Max Effort 250m Row
Rest 1min
Max Set Front Squat @ (115/75lbs)

This is no April Fools joke. 

More Low Carb Research Plus Nutrition Challenge Input Please!

There is a new study out in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise that is another pillar in the argument for a low carbohydrate diet. This one has a slightly different take on the topic and I'm not sure how practical it is for most of us that are not professional athletes, but I'm including it because it the study was based on high level endurance athletes. As many of you participate in endurance sports, I thought it seemed relevant. There is good stuff in there and I am happy to see so much research being done in this area. You can find a summary of the study in the New York Times Wellness blog For Serious Training, Hold the Carbs at Dinnertime, or on Mark's Daily Apple, Should You Sleep-Low to Boost Performance. I like the Mark's Daily Apple version a little better.

I'm thinking a lot about nutrition right now as I'm working on getting the Spring Nutrition Challenge structure in place. I know you guys are thinking about it too as many of you have reached out to me or one of the other coaches on it. One of the things that I'm struggling with is designing a challenge that will help you meet your goals in participating. But I am guessing as to what your goals are and I would rather not guess. Please help me by giving me some input via the comments section of this blog. No matter what, be assured that the challenge will not be easy. Cleaning up your nutrition never is because it involves sacrificing things we enjoy. That is why it is critical that you are crystal clear on why you are participating. The commitment to that goal will help sustain you when the going gets tough. 

Thanks for your help!

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