Update from Lane

March 22, 2016
Update from Lane



March 22, 2016

Workout of the Day--March 22, 2017

Alternatitng rounds with a partner, complete 5 rounds:
AMRAP 3 minutes
4 DB Manmakers (45/25lbs)
4 DB Squat Cleans

Don't worry about the details, we will tell you everything you need to know when the time comes.

Some other members cheering me on during 16.2 on the heavy 225 cleans. The girl judging me in the grey is a beast!  2x Australian Regionals Qualifier.  Samantha Drescher: 235 c/j - 195 snatch
Some other members cheering me on during 16.2 on the heavy 225 cleans. The girl judging me in the grey is a beast!  2x Australian Regionals Qualifier.  Samantha Drescher: 235 c/j - 195 snatch

Update from Lane

Those of you who have been around since the fall will be excited to hear that Lane is alive and well in the Land Down Under. He is studying abroad in Australia and hopefully will be back on the coaching deck here come Summer. Here is his update.

Hey all! 

Just wanted to update all of you on my CrossFit journey down here in Australia. I have found another great gym like Catacombs! CrossFit Darwin is located about 40 minutes away from where I am staying.  It's a very enjoyable bike ride, about 8 miles there and another 8 miles back. 
Fortunately, Kelly, the owner, was willing to lend me her 'push bike' after my very first workout at the gym!  She has been so inviting and helpful towards me. The fellow gym members are awesome and very welcoming.  It's a diverse gym with plenty of Aussies, Irishmen, Canadians, and another American from good ole' Texas. The box has so much to offer to me that at times I feel like I can never give as much back.  Pretty much the same scenarios with Tracie & Tom at Catacombs. I'm actually going to complete my internship for school here at the gym through coaching and other means.  

I can't help but always be grateful about the wonderful people that CrossFit has introduced into my life. I miss you all and am excited to be back in Durango to hit the grind with you guys. 

As always, thanks to each and every one of you for making my life better every day!

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