Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75/55)
Then: Fun with Squat Cleans
1 Squat Clean every 30 seconds for 8 minutes
Rest 2 minutes
1 Squat Clean and 1 Power Clean every 30 seconds for 8 minutes.
Thanks all for the extra attention to the topics of Manners 101. You guys are all fantastic, conscientious people and I assure you, none of this is directed at a single individual. This week's topic moves beyond basic common sense to more advanced CrossFit etiquette. Again, please take these tips to heart, but don't take personally if you've been guilty of one or more.
1.) Please don't drop empty barbells, barbells with only metal plates, or kettelbells on the ground. It is hard on the equipment and makes a terrible sound. Kettelbells make divets in the rubber flooring when dropped.
2.) Please don't sit on the wall balls or barbells. This is your workout after all.
3.) Chalk stays in the chalk bucket or on an orange lid. Please don't grab your favorite chunk and take it to your favorite corner or stack of plates. I know that you absolutely intend to put it away when you are done, but somehow that thought gets lost in the hypoxia and elation at the completion of your workout.
4.) As a general rule, please leave your cell phone in the cubby area. Of course we happily make exceptions for those of you on call or other extenuating circumstances. Otherwise, give yourself an hour long break from your technology. We promise you will survive.