CrossFit Open Judges

February 16, 2016
CrossFit Open Judges


February 16, 2016

Workout of the Day--February 16, 2016

As far as possible in 12 minutes:
3, 6, 9, 12…..
Thruster (95/65lbs)
Pull ups

Bonus: Conditioning

Have you guys met Robert? love having this guy in the gym.
Have you guys met Robert? love having this guy in the gym.

CrossFit Open Judges

As any of you who have attended past Friday Night Light (FNL) events may remember, we try to have a judge/counter/cheerleader assigned to each athlete. It seems intimidating at first, but what really happens is that you end up working way harder than you would have otherwise. We will follow this same style for the Catacombs Games. The idea is that once you finish your heat, you stick around and count for someone in the next heat. For the Catacombs Games, the point of the "judge" is to encourage you, count for you, and help you keep yourself to the movement standards.

We also have a number of athletes that are registered for the official CrossFit Open. This is different than participating in the Catacombs Games although we will use the workouts from the CrossFit Open for the Catacombs Games. Athletes that are officially registered for the CrossFit Open require a "judge" to validate their performance. All Catacombs coaches will be certified as judges but it would be helpful to have a few more of you that are also able to serve in this capacity officially. What's required? You have to take the Judges Course. It is an online course that can be found here. It costs $10 but you can take it as many times as you need to pass it. It is a good refresher on the range of motion and movement standards that we expect on a daily basis. If you decide to do it, please print a copy of your certificate and bring it in so that we can use you to validate scores for those athletes needing this.

The Catacombs Games start in just over a week!

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