The 12 Day Reboot - Day 7

January 8, 2016
The 12 Day Reboot - Day 7

[email protected]


January 8, 2016

Workout of the Day--January 8, 2016


Power cleans (135/95)
Front squats (135/95)

(That's a lot of pull ups...don't worry, we are prepared to modify or scale as needed.)

Congrats Diesel on a great race last weekend...and even bigger congrats to you and Diana on the birth of Leo on Monday!
Congrats Diesel on a great race last weekend...and even bigger congrats to you and Diana on the birth of Leo on Monday!

The 12 Day Reboot - Day 7

DAY 7 of the 12 Day Reboot: No alcohol, no sugar, lights out by 9:30pm, and make a meal plan.

Congrats on making it to Friday. Your homework for the weekend is to make a meal plan for next week. Go online and find some recipes, make a grocery list, and go shopping. Plan for five meals and make enough to have some leftovers. Here are some favorites and we will post more over the course of the challenge.  Post yours to comments and help the community out.

NomNom’s Slow Cooker Kalua Pig

Well-Fed’s Thyme Braised Short Ribs

Practical Paleo’s Spaghetti Squash Bolognese

PaleOMG’s Pizza Spaghetti Pie 

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