In 5 minutes:
Row 500 m
AMRAP Pull Ups
Rest 2 Min
In 5 minutes:
Row 500 m
AMRAP KB Swings (24/16)
Rest 2 Min
In 5 minutes:
Row 500 m
AMRAP Wall Walks
Tom passed this on to me after I had finished yesterday's post on hydration. Well, actually he had passed it on to me days before, but he shared it through Facebook which I don't check very often; so I didn't see it until today. Still, I wanted to pass it on to you for a couple of reasons. One, it is a completely separate perspective on the topic with some very similar themes to yesterday's post. Two, Outside Magazine has a penchant for distilling information down into digestible concepts. They cover the role of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) in staying hydrated as well as the new guidelines in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine around avoiding exercise-induced hyponatremia. It's a short read, so take the 5 minutes and read the article for yourself:
How Much Water is Needed for Hot, End-of-Summer Workouts
-Outside Online