No Sugar October

October 1, 2015
No Sugar October


October 1, 2015

Workout of the Day--October 1, 2015

800 M Run
2 Rounds for time:
40 Air squats
30 Lunges
20 Toes to bar
800 M Run

Chocolate bars go in the trash for October. Okay, maybe not the trash, but at least out of sighT, out of mind.
Chocolate bars go in the trash for October. Okay, maybe not the trash, but at least out of sighT, out of mind.

No Sugar October

Several of you have asked about a food challenge leading into the Fall and the holiday season. We are not going to do an official food challenge until January, but I don't want to leave you all hanging. You know I can't resist when anyone wants to talk about improving their nutrition. So, inspired by my kids, we are launching No Sugar October. Sugar is the biggest offender in many of our diets. It is the low hanging fruit for improving our nutrition. So join me in giving it up. Cold turkey for one month. You can do anything for a month. 

  • What are the rules? It's pretty simple. Don't eat sugar for 30 days.
  • When does it start? Today. October 1st. It finishes on Halloween, October 31st.
  • What does it take to sign up? That's pretty simple too. Write your name on the board under "No Sugar October". Let it be a daily reminder of your commitment. There is no cost.
  • What's included? Processed sugar of any kind, sugary drinks, candy, cookies, etc. Fruit is allowed.
  • What do I win? A leaner, healthier you; improved blood glucose regulation; better control over what's going in your body.

Seriously people, what do you have to lose? Nothing...except maybe a few pounds. Make a commitment and stick to it. No excuses about it being too complicated or restrictive. You all know sugar is poison and you shouldn't eat it. So don't. For 30 days. Starting right now.

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