Starting Line Next Week

September 2, 2015
Starting Line Next Week


September 2, 2015

Workout of the Day--September 2, 2015

5 Rounds
12 Deadlifts (155/115)
9 Hang Cleans (155/115)
6 Jerks (155/115)

Scott giving the catacombs endurance team the post workout lowdown on nutrition/fueling for racing and performance.
Scott giving the catacombs endurance team the post workout lowdown on nutrition/fueling for racing and performance.

Starting Line Next Week

Quick post today to remind everyone that there is a Starting Line Session scheduled to kick off next week. We have quite a few people going through Private Track right now that either did not want to wait for Starting Line or their schedules did not line up. Still, Starting Line is a great way to get started at Catacombs with a cohort of new folks. If you are interested in getting going at Catacombs through either Private Track or Starting Line, email or use the form on the right side of the page.

Have an awesome day and enjoy the Hero WOD known as "DT". 

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