Poor Excuses #37 and #38

July 31, 2015
Poor Excuses #37 and #38



July 31, 2015

Workout of the Day-- July 31, 2015

30 rounds for time of:
5 Wall ball shots (20/14)
3 Handstand push-ups
1 Power clean (225/150)

Sometimes modifying workouts to accommodate injuries makes them tougher, right Beau?
Sometimes modifying workouts to accommodate injuries makes them tougher, right Beau?

Poor Excuses #37 and #38

Heart to heart time Catacombs athletes. Bring it in close and let's talk. Many of you know that I was very resistant to posting workouts online. The main reason for this was to help you help yourselves avoid cherry-picking. We get better at CrossFit and in life by working on things that we suck at, yet we have an unconscious filter that dissuades us from doing just that. Ultimately, you guys convinced me that the pros outweighed the cons so I've been posting them for the last month or so. 

I've had a few concerning conversations this week that inspired this little chat. A few of you commented that you skipped the pull-up workout because of your hands or that your legs hadn't recovered so you were afraid to come in on a day when there were a lot of squats. I hope I sound like a broken record here, but you should never skip class because of injury, soreness, or uncertainty about a given movement. Your coaches are here for that very reason. We will scale, alter, or modify any and all movements to help you get better and still get a workout in. Heck, we will completely scrap the plan and send you down an altogether different path if it makes sense. WE DON'T MIND AND WE ARE ACTUALLY REALLY FREAKIN' GOOD AT IT. Just try us! It's one of the things that makes belonging to a small gym with small classes and an expert coaching staff worth the extra dough. 

What we won't do is tell you that it's okay to always skip out of overhead squats or snatches because you don't like them or the mobility isn't quite there. We also won't give you a pass on running because it is hard and you don't like it. And that brings me to Poor Excuse #38. Skipping workouts because the movements are hard for you or you just plain suck at them is not cool. You will never get better this way...as an athlete or a human being. My respect goes to the athletes that reach for a training bar or PVC pipe to perform a movement well long before the athlete with the questionable range of motion and an RX by their name.  

Today's workout is a perfect example of that. Very few people in the CrossFit world will do this workout as prescribed, and many fewer actually should. We are prepared to scale this workout in as many different ways as needed. It is a hero WOD which means it is designed to be long and challenging. There is absolutely a version that is right for every single one of you though. Come see for yourself.

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