Don't Miss This!

July 20, 2015
Don't Miss This!


July 20, 2015

Workout of the Day--July 20, 2015

Cal Row
Clean and Jerk (75/55)
Wall Ball (20/14)

Strength-- Press: 1 rep max

Don't Miss This!

Some of you guys have gotten the hang of logging your scores using the Faceboard at the front desk and others of you are holdouts. As the parents of three children, we understand the value of threats and the magic of bribes. And boy do we have a bribe for you. 

Tom and Kris have been hard at work on the new t-shirt order. Trust is SWEET!!! The order is in and the goods will be here before summer vacation hits the skids. The new workout tracking system is pretty sweet too although even I will acknowledge it is nowhere near as sexy as the new apparel line. So, let's marry the two together to get you guys tracking your loads and times in exchange for the chance for free Catacombs gear.  Here is the scoop. For the month of August, the male and female Catacombs athlete logging the most scores in Zen Planner earn a free Catacombs t-shirt of their choice. Additionally, we will do a drawing from all athletes logging 10 or more scores for the month for another t-shirt. Pretty sweet, eh?

The good news is that you have the rest of the month to get the hang of logging your scores. Want some help? Ask any of us. We will be happy to show you.

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