Dustin's Birthday WOD
(get as far as you can in 21 Minutes)
21 Burpees
21 Box Jumps (30/24)
21 Toes to bar
21 Power Snatch (115/75)
21 Pull Ups
21 Power C&J (135/95)
21 Kb Swings (24/16)
21 Wall Balls (20/14 unless it's your birthday, then 25)
21 Deadlifts (155/115)
21 Air Squats
21 Muscle Ups :)
Catacombs will be offering a FREE INTRO CLASS on Sunday, June 7th at 4 PM for those interested in learning more about CrossFit. No experience required; this is a beginner level class. CrossFit can be intimidating, and starting something new can be terrifying. But we are here to help and we've helped many people just like you make major changes in their health and fitness. Come meet our coaches, ask us your questions, and get a good workout in. Then decide if you are ready to let go of your fear and start the journey. We will also open up registration for our next Starting Line Course at this event. Please email tracie@crossfitcatacombs.com to reserve your spot for the free class. Advance registration is required.