Starting Line is a rite of passage at Catacombs. Not in the tradition of military boot camp or other such survival tests, but rather as a uniting goal that we all come through. Almost everyone that comes through the doors on the first night of Starting Line is fearful. Afraid that the workout will hurt or that you won't measure up in some way or that people won't be welcoming to "your type"...whatever type that might be. Some folks readily admit it, others hide it through overconfidence or just trying to hide in the corner. In the end though, we all end up facing our fears and confronting them. See, Starting Line is about beginning a path that can fundamentally change you not just as an athlete, but as a human being. We can't work magic in six sessions over two weeks, but we can lay the groundwork for a different way of doing things and a different set of standards that you hold yourself to.
You will learn the foundational movements of CrossFit, work skill progressions, and test your mettle in a set of progressive workouts designed to introduce you to our way of doing things. But Starting Line at Catacombs is much more than that. You also begin to forge the bonds of community and camaraderie that will take you to heights that you thought were out of your reach. You will form relationships with the Coaching Staff that will be the foundation upon which we will build for months and years to come. Without the support of the community and the trust relationship with our coaches, it is just an exercise program that you can buy online and trudge through without ever darkening the doors of our gym. That feels a lot safer to many, but very few ever get the results they are looking for.
If you are ready to try a drastically different way of doing things and step outside what feels easy, Starting Line is for you. The next session kicks off April 13th and meets Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 PM for two weeks. We require athletes to attend five of six sessions but encourage you to attend all six. The only prerequisite for attendance is an open-minded willingness to work hard and support others in doing the same. Workouts and skills are scalable for everyone from competitive athletes to 80 year old grandparents. We will meet you where you are in your fitness journey. Class is limited to six athletes and you can register online through "Sign up for Starting Line" button in the sidebar on the right. Still have questions? Email