Look Out Down Under

December 17, 2015
Look Out Down Under



December 17, 2015

Workout of the Day--December 17, 2015

Jumping Pullups
Good mornings (45/35)
Back rack lunges (45/35)

Look Out Down Under

It is with some sadness but much excitement that we bid a temporary farewell to Coach Lane. Lane has been a cornerstone at Catacombs since almost day one. Not only has be been an outstanding coach, he has been a great sounding board for the coaching staff and a dedicated, disciplined athlete. I knew from the first day I met him that Lane was going places and doing big things. I am grateful for the time we have had with him and look forward to seeing him back at the whiteboard soon. Lane asked me to share the following post upon his departure:

Hey ya’ll!

By this time, I have already moved out of Durango back to my hometown of Window Rock. No worries though.  I’ll be back by summer!  =) I am temporarily leaving Durango and all of you for a great opportunity to study abroad in Darwin, Australia. I’m very excited for this four month trip to the “Land Down Under” to learn more about my major in Exercise Science and to also interact with the indigenous people of Australia. While I am there, I do intend to join a local CrossFit box and be instructed by a couple of Aussies.  I’ll do my best to represent CrossFit Catacombs in the best light possible!

On that note, I just want to say that I am so impressed with all of you.  I love seeing the dedication, hard work and pain that you all endure for the sake of improving yourself and all of those around you. I am constantly caught off guard when I see someone execute a beautiful full depth snatch when they could barely squat below parallel on their first day. I can’t wait to see how much you all will improve by the time that I return.

Every day at CrossFit Catacombs brings me a smile after an arduous day at school and work. Thanks to each and every one of you for allowing me the privilege to yell at you, laugh with you and suffer with you. Another group of wonderful people that I am thankful for are the coaches.  Thank you Tracie, Dustin, John, Jacob and Darcy! CrossFit Catacombs is an amazing community.  I am reminded every day that I show up.

I’ll be back!  Keep doing what you’re doing. =)

Happy holidays!


P.S. Don’t be surprised if I come back with an accent…

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