Motivation Monday

November 8, 2015
Motivation Monday


November 8, 2015

Workout of the Day--November 9, 2015

In 18 minutes:
then AMRAP remaining time
20 Double Unders
10 Box Jumps
10 Back Lunges (95/65)

Motivation Monday

Another week is upon us and another opportunity for a great week of training. We will take a break from the strength work this week as we recover from last week's CrossFit Total. Keep those numbers handy as we are working on programming for the next strength cycle now. Given that it's Monday and all, I thought we could all use a little positivity going into the week. I'm starting my week with the mantra that discipline equals freedom. I didn't make that up; it came from a podcast I was listening to with former Navy SEAL John Willink. It resonated with me though, so I'm making it a focus for this week. Many of the things I want most in my life will come easily if a measure of discipline is applied in a few key areas. Delayed gratification is a difficult skill to master. Recognize that the long term rewards we seek can be unlocked by making the hard choices and doing the hard things in the short-term. 

The cool thing about this concept is that you can apply it to any area (or many areas) of your life that you choose. Roll this around in your head and come up with your own interpretation of what it means for you. Then choose two focus areas for this week to relentlessly apply this focus. Curious what mine are? Ask me. I'll tell you. But be ready to tell me what yours are too!

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