Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

November 11, 2015
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!


November 11, 2015

Today is Veteran's Day. Please take the time to thank the veterans in your life for their service. 

Workout of the Day--November 11, 2015

"Macho Man"
20 Min EMOM
3 Power Cleans (155/115)
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks

Accessory Work: Good mornings/hamstring mobility

Anne surprised herself with her jumping muscle ups on tuesday.
Anne surprised herself with her jumping muscle ups on tuesday.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

Congratulations to the 40-plus athletes that showed up on Tuesday to work on their muscle ups. Most of you had never even attempted bar muscle-ups before today. Still, you challenged yourselves with one of the most complex movements of CrossFit. I saw more high-fives and fist pumps today over accomplishing a new step in the progression than I have in weeks. It was inspiring and really fun to watch you guys overcome your anxiety and push the limits of your abilities. 

If you skipped yesterday's workout, you missed an opportunity. Just remember, if you aren't willing to put yourself out there and get outside of your comfort zone, you are limiting your opportunities to get better. Thanks Dustin for putting together a great progression today that got everyone a little closer to legit bar muscle ups. 

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