CrossFit Total Time!

November 1, 2015
CrossFit Total Time!


November 1, 2015

Workout of the Day--November 2, 2015

Total--Part 1: 1-Rep Max Back Squat (Bring your 1-RM numbers if you know them.)

For Time:
50 Double Unders
10 Burpee Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
20 Burpee Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
30 Burpee Pull Ups

Back squats only count if the crease of your hip is below the top of your knee. I think julianna has that nailed.
Back squats only count if the crease of your hip is below the top of your knee. I think julianna has that nailed.

CrossFit Total Time!

Many of you have asked for this and others of you are dreading it. Most of you have no idea what a CrossFit Total even is. I'm going to lay it out for you today along with an explanation of why it is an important metric. But first, thanks to everyone that participated in Friday Night Lights. It was such a fun night and reminder of how awesome the Catacombs community is. Second, congrats to everyone that completed No Sugar October. You are healthier for your efforts! Okay, on to the Total.

What is the CrossFit Total?

We measure benchmarks at Catacombs all the time. Why? Because that's how we know we are gaining fitness. Most of us have a general feeling that we are getting fitter; but hard evidence in the form of improved performance on a benchmark workout confirms this. The CrossFit Total is a different kind of benchmark. It is a combination of your 1-rep max deadlift, back squat, and press. "But wait a minute Tracie, I thought we were an endurance-focused gym?" Absolutely! One of the most fundamental ways to improve your endurance is by building strength. Our focus is on building fitness in the gym that will make you better at what you do outside of the gym. Moving heavy loads promotes important neurologic adaptations and is critical for maintaining bone density. 

CrossFit Total--Catacombs Style

A strict CrossFit Total requires that all 3 lifts (deadlift, back squat, and press) be completed in the same workout session. If you care about adhering to that guideline as you want to know your "strict CrossFit Total", Dustin would be happy to take you through it in Open Gym. It is difficult to complete this in an hour-long class. For our purposes, we are going to complete one of these lifts as part of the Workout of the Day on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week. On Friday, we will have a makeup period where you can hit a lift you missed. If you make all 3 days and Friday, we will have an alternative for you on Friday during the lifting segment. This will allow us to also get some solid metabolic conditioning in after the lifting segments. Make sense? If you want to try and complete a strict Total at Open Gym next Saturday, you can use the lifting segments this week to gauge your starting weights for your Total.

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