Who is in for 4?

June 8, 2014
Who is in for 4?



June 8, 2014

Many of you have heard from me in the last week that the results you are looking for and the goals you are working toward will only be attainable with a deeper level of commitment. Sure, if you are fresh off the couch and haven't done anything for your fitness in months or years, you will see quick benefits from coming to CrossFit a couple of times per week. It is a great start and we applaud your efforts. But many of you have your sights set on bigger goals...those first pull-ups, body composition goals, perhaps even a competition. Listen up! Those goals are absolutely within reach for you, but sporadic attendance and apathy toward nutrition will hand grenade your chances for success. We will be doing a food chalk talk here soon, but for right now, let's focus on getting into the gym. Don't let the clutter of life get in the way of making your fitness goals a reality. I'm throwing down a challenge to each and every one of you to sign up and commit to four classes this week. Who is in? 

I'll be here!

Are handstand pushups on your bucket list? Beto checked his off with 21 strict in a row last week.
Are handstand pushups on your bucket list? Beto checked his off with 21 strict in a row last week.

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