Progressions and Progress

April 22, 2014
Progressions and Progress


April 22, 2014

We kicked off the second week of Starting Line this week and I was struck by how far so many of you have come in such a short time. Many of you are already learning how to scale your workouts or starting to get the hang of that tricky kip. I see a little less fear on your faces and a little more determination. There is a bit more willingness to try a heavier weight or push a bit more. Perhaps I'm most encouraged by the coming together of classes as the developing camaraderie becomes evident and you begin to build those bonds that will last long past your Starting Line session. 

Bryan and Roland working on their overhead technique. 
Bryan and Roland working on their overhead technique. 

Several of you have been asking about what happens following Starting Line. We want to move you into regular classes right away so we will be offering regular Group Classes beginning Monday April 28th for those finishing Startling Line. I am currently planning 6 AM and 6 PM classes for that week leading up to our official opening on May 1st. Stay tuned for more on this and for our online class signup coming later this week.

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